Innate Wisdom Podcast
Season 1 | Episode 6
Gonstead Chiropractic Care: A Nervous System-Based Approach with Dr. Brady Johnson
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What It's About:
In this episode of the Innate Wisdom Podcast, I’m excited to welcome Dr. Brady Johnson. Dr. Brady is the owner and head doctor of Concise Chiropractic. Founded in 2018, he quickly became one of Denver’s fastest growing chiropractic offices. He Specializes in the Gonstead technique and has established himself as Denver’s #1 Gonstead Chiropractor. The Gonstead technique is known as the Gold Standard and most Specific technique in chiropractic today. Dr. Brady has done over 300 hours of continuing education on the Gonstead method alone, to better serve his patients. Outside of the Gonstead technique, he also specializes in the Webster technique which provides safe and gentle adjustments for pregnant patients. He has a beautiful wife who he met in Grad school, named Dr. Amanda, a wild 2 1/2-year-old son named Noah, and a 5 year old German shepherd named Shamus. One thing I love about Dr. Brady’s perspective is that he honors the innate wisdom of the body to bring vibrant health to his patients. I can’t wait for you to hear more about his methods, which have been life-changing for me personally.
Listen to hear more about:
- The Gonstead Method
- The difference between Gonstead and conventional chiropractic care
- How Gonstead can enhance fertility or help infertility
- The connection between the pelvis and the jaw
- The truth about pelvic infertility
- Chiropractic care for morning sickness
- How chiropractic care can help pregnancy ailments like reflux, low back pain, and others
- What to look for when choosing a chiropractor
[00:00:00] Loren: I'm super excited to have Dr. Brady here and super, super honored that he's here to share his wisdom. He's one of the best, well, the best chiropractor I've ever seen. and I'm sure many others can say that as well. So thanks so much for being here, Dr. Brady, really excited to have you.
[00:00:20] Dr. Brady: Yeah. Thank you so much for having me look forward to diving into a lot of questions.
You have everything in fertility and how we can help a wide variety of patients here.
[00:00:31] Loren: Awesome. Super excited to dive into, but first let's talk a little bit about cuz I always like to hear everyone's journey and I think. A lot of us in the health and wellness space also bring a personal aspect to what we do.
And that might not be true for you, but it's always fun to hear how we got here. So I would love it if you could share a little bit about yourself and kind of what led you to be the Dr. Brady you are today?
[00:00:56] Dr. Brady: Yeah, well, absolutely. And everybody does have a journey. Mine is a little unique because I grew up very, very active and loved all things sports. I played in every single sport and there was always what's the next best thing that I could do to perform better, to feel better, to be out of pain and recover faster and from club sports through high school and then college sports as well. And that I played in was always, how can I perform better?
And my parents always. Brought me to a chiropractor. They always instilled that in me. And then that's what I grew up with, along with all the other things about diet and nutrition and regular exercise, all those things. So I had a very healthy lifestyle growing up when I always just went to the chiropractor and didn't think too much of it until I was really at that competitive level. And I could see my body would function better, um, utilizing it and being very in tune with everything I knew when I needed that competitive advantage and everything. And that's really where everything started clicking for me than realizing, Hey, I want to serve other people.
I wanna help them. Not only perform better in sports. I was very sports-minded back then, but then I started connecting a lot of functional things in my body to my overall health and how chiropractic helped me and kind of my story was in high school, I started having a lot of these digestive issues that started coming up and fluctuations between constipation and diarrhea.
Maybe throw in some anxiety stuff there. My parents, we moved from Arizona to Colorado in the middle of high school. And that's stressful making new friends and everything, and maybe it was anxiety. I'm not too sure. But then my digestion was just really often. And when I say I've been going to a chiropractor, the biggest thing is when we moved to Colorado, my parents brought me to tons of different specialists to help me to figure out what was going on with my digestion and why it was never normal regulated. And it wasn't until somebody recommended that I go to a specific form of chiropractic and that was the Gonstead chiropractor. And my parents didn't know too much about that. And while they went to every specialty and I was seeing a regular chiropractor and they weren't looking at kind of everything, nor were they looking at how my body was functioning at my nervous system. So my parents figured they'd give it a shot.
And they brought me to. A Gonstead state chiropractor, who looked at me in a whole different way than any other chiropractor had. They went into every detail of my nervous system and taught me about at what level, my spine controls, what organ systems and hormones and glands, all these things. When I'd been to specialists for my digestion and they just wanted to put me on medication and they wanted to tell me that I'd have to live my life like this and stay on medication to regulate my digestion.
And that's just something that. Was foreign to me and I never wanna do that. And thankfully, my parents went a different route and looked more into what my issues were. And so this constant chiropractor for the first time he took x-rays of my spine and I never pointed to my spine and said, Hey, it hurts here.
But the chiropractor found in my local area, right? Between my thoracic lumbar junction, kind of those nerves that control the large intestines, small intestines, some digestive enzymes found a significant misalignment and he called this a subluxation where there's pressure on the nerve that affects an organ.
And until he started working with me and then started adjusting it, I saw a drastic change in my digestion. It started to regulate normally and anxiety got better. All these things, um, changed to allow me to start feeling better with that. So since then, in that experience, I knew that I wanted to be a chiropractor, but a very specific form.
One that specializes in the nervous system. One that studies x-rays as a whole compass to get quicker and faster results for patients. And then when I started to compete in competitive sports in college, I always went to a Gonstead chiropractor. And they kept me extremely healthy and everything from my immune system and helped me sleep better and recover well.
So ever since really that high school experience, that was my turning point. And I knew I always wanted to be a Gonstead chiropractor to not only help athletes. Help people also with neurological issues like digestion or hormone issues or migraines, um, of course sciatica, uh, numbness, tingling, but everything on the spectrum, infertility it's all related to specifically how the nervous system helps communicate through the body.
[00:05:30] Loren: That’s awesome. Thank you so much for sharing. Yeah. I really love hearing everyone's personal story. I think it's so special. And I think that experience probably. Is why you're so passionate about helping people. You can bring that with you because you know, it's worked for you and it just makes your work that much more effective, I think.
And so, thanks for sharing. I really appreciate that. Yeah, of course. And I do wanna ask you, the first question is for you. What is a Gonstead chiropractor? Because I think previous to meeting you and undergoing go stud chiropractic care, I had been to the typical chiropractor where they kind of crack everything and do the stem machine maybe a little bit here and there.
And for most people that is what chiropractic care is. So I'd love it if you could potentially elaborate on what makes Gonstead chiropractic care so different. And how it's effective and in what ways it's different and effective, uh, compared to regular chiropractic care.
[00:06:29] Dr. Brady: Yeah. When somebody thinks of chiropractic, they think it's all the same.
And I couldn't tell you, it couldn't be anything further from that. Cuz no two chiropractors are the same and there's dozens, hundreds of different techniques within chiropractic. But the Gonstead method, the goad technique is actually nicknamed the ‘gold standard’ and most specific technique in chiropractic and compassing with that there's tons of certification and.
Continue education and qualifications to become a Gonstead chiropractic. It's pretty much you go to grad school chiropractic school to get a doctorate degree in chiropractic. Then it's that PhD kind of it's that extra mile of education to specialize in not only the spine, but then understand the body so perfectly and its overall nervous system and how it can be, uh, released of that pressure to help somebody function better.
So the Gonstead technique is a very neurologically based technique, but it also takes in consideration the biomechanics of the spine as two components to help patients get relief from aches and pains, but help them function better day to day and get last in correction, as well.
[00:07:39] Loren: That's very cool. And can you kind of describe what the experiential difference would be compared to going to a regular chiropractor versus goad chiropractor?
Cause that was one of the very, I guess, first and most stark differences in terms of my experience too, because when I went to regular chiropractic, it was kind of, no, you have other tools and resources that you utilize. Mm-hmm and I think it's so interesting. And I'd love it if you could share more about that.
[00:08:09] Dr. Brady: Yeah. The very core foundation of the concept method comes down to the patient assessment. It incorporates five principles to assess on every patient. One of 'em is visualization. So we visually take in what's happening with a patient and kind of a lot of lots going in with this. It's when a patient's sitting there, they're not just laying down on the table, they're sitting in a chair so we can assess their posture.
We can see changes in their spine, whether or not it's curved. One very important thing is patients. We have them gown, whether guys just kind of slip off their shirt or females will gown where I can see the texture and tone of their skin, you know, visualizations, that's really important to see. Sometimes I'll see a little patch of like a little breakout on a patient's skin with, you know, there's no pimples anywhere, but over a distinct area, there's some blemishes and some little pimple breakouts. That's important detail that I don't wanna miss to ensure that I'm identifying where there's a problem with it. So visualization second is palpation and we palpate the spine right on their skin, nothing through shirts or through sweaters.
I know a lot of people may experience that, where they go to a chiropractor and the chiropractor just through their clothing. That's a non-negotiable for me, where I'm gonna be as specific as possible. So I palpate the skin. I can feel the tone, the texture. I can feel areas of swelling, edema. So I'm kind of building this big picture about all these points to understand what's happening with the patient.
Then there's motion palpation. We want to motion. We want to feel how the segments are all moving. The spine is moving in, relation to one over the other. We can feel how the discs are moving or lack of moving. So then there's motion palpation. That's the third. Fourth, and this is one that's really important is instrumentation.
Gonstead chiropractors use an instrument called a nervous scope or a Delta T. Two different companies, but the same thing is an instrument with two little probes. That'll trace right down the entire spine. And we measure from all the way up on the ox, put all the way down through the last segment of the sacrum, even down to the cos, cuz at every single level throughout your spine, a nerve is exiting out and that nerve is controlling the tissue of cell and organ.
Um, it's functioning. With signals out and in. So this instrument, as it runs down the back there along the spine, it helps me to know where there's pressure or interference. When there's interference and inflammatory response happens locally on that nerve level so that we can understand what segment has the issue because the difference of adjusting your third cervical compared to your fourth cervical, we're talking millimeters of difference between what the bones feel like.
But if it's one nerve over the other, it'll depend on what needs to be adjusted. So the instrument helps, you know, where it needs to be adjusted. And then the last component, the fifth one is x-rays x-rays are just crucial, again, a non-negotiable for go state chiropractor. It's our roadmap. We want to know what's happening in an individual patient spine.
And you know, a lot of chiropractors choose to take x-rays. It's one thing that blows my mind is that chiropractors don’t take x-rays. But even chiropractors who take x-rays, they just kind of take 'em to let's rule out fracture. Let's make sure nothing extreme is going on, like heaven forbid cancers going on and stuff.
So x-rays are kind of used as a screen to make sure real big stuff isn't happening. But again Gonstead chiropractor takes those x-rays. We stitch them together in a full spine. Image. And then we put a line analysis algorithm over the x-ray so that we know to the exact degree, how things are positioned, how the pelvis is positioned and at what degree do we need to correct it, to correct the foundation, to set a bone, all these different things.
So anytime before I ever adjust a patient, their x-rays are open on my screen so I can always reference them. I can't memorize all of my patient's spine. And so that helps me to know to the exact degree, the angle, the depth to get a specific correction. So x-rays are the, how the instrument is the, the where. And then we piece everything together, the visualization, the palpation motion palpation all together.
And so Gonstead site chiropractor does all those five steps, not skipping some and some other chiropractors choose not to use x-rays or instruments. And in my opinion, it's missing vital components to get to the root cause and correct things. And that's something, my wife tells me I'm a perfectionist. And maybe that's why I like this technique so much is because I want to adjust something for a reason and never guess with a patient's health.
And so the Gonstead technique or method helps me to do that with cause, and we get great results by doing so and get people better, faster because of it.
[00:12:59] Loren: Oh, yeah, that was awesome. Thank you so much for providing that overview. I think that hopefully gives everyone listening a better idea of sort of the process that would be involved with Gonstead, but also the why behind it.
And that was it really. So fascinating to me coming from a regular chiropractor, which I had actually had a very bad experience slash impression from regular chiropractic care. So I was very critical and not sure about this method, but. You've definitely blown my mind. And I think the precision that you have is just so interesting and it makes it so much more effective, which kind of lends itself to your name too, concise chiropractic, mm-hmm and I just think that's so interesting.
[00:13:48] Dr. Brady: Yeah. Yeah. I appreciate you sharing that. And I hear it all the time with patients and they share with me their experiences with chiropractors and, you know, other techniques are great and they help people and they get better and people have great experiences, but. It's not a typical cookie cutter chiropractor where we're gonna pop this hip and then pop that hip and basically push on everything in your spine.
And that's easy to push on random things and make things pop or to rotate your neck really far and just pop everything in your neck. No patient gets that experience here. Sometimes I'll adjust one segment and that's all they need that day, or maybe two or three get up to multiple levels at once.
Typically patients don't experience that here, cuz we're correcting only what needs to be and then allowing the body to then heal based off of the change we made.
[00:14:36] Loren: I love that too. Especially the aspect of allowing the body to kind of take it from there, which is a lot of what I do in my work too. And speaking of you know, that I specialize in fertility.
And so I'm curious to hear from you how stead chiropractic care can help somebody who might be struggling with their fertility, or even just generally support their fertility or enhance their existing fertility.
[00:15:04] Dr. Brady: Yeah, excellent. I mentioned that the Gonstead method is very neurologically based and so there's tons of things going on in the body when somebody's trying to get pregnant or regulating their cycle or all the hormones fluctuating at a perfect timing and sequence.
And from my experience, when there's interference in the nervous system, the nervous system is the master organ that is ultimately controlling all hormone regulation or digestion or cardiovascular system. Um, all these things, when the nervous system is properly communicating, it gives people the best fighting chance to regulate that.
And there's tons of stressors in life. There's physical stressors, emotional stressors, there's chemical stressors in life that affect the body. But if we can allow the nervous system to communicate at a hundred percent without being held back with misalignments in the spine, affecting the nervous system, we find that patients really thrive.
And so I've had a number of infertility or females deemed infertile. And I kind of joke about that. It's at that time, they're infertile. But if we can get them functioning better, if we can allow their nervous system to be clear, then we've seen great things and the cycle starts coming back once we clear the nervous system and rid that.
So it's part of the puzzle. There's lots of components. I never neglect that. And nutrition is key and stuff, but what I'm really good at is identifying the neurological component that potentially could be holding them back from regulating hormones properly or getting pregnant or X, Y, and Z happening.
[00:16:42] Loren: Absolutely. I love that. And for anyone listening too, I know that a lot of people focus on nutrition and supplements when they think fertility, but this is a great way to add to your toolbox to support your fertility journey, because it's not always only about nutrition. It's not always only about supplements.
It's not even only always about chiropractic care either, but maybe one of those things or other things too, like acupuncture or other kinds of body work can also work for you and support you depending on your situation. So just know that. A great tool to be able to utilize. And I, myself am utilizing chiropractic care on my preconception journey with Dr. Brady. So it's been really fun and I've noticed a lot of changes myself, which has been great. So, I would love to share more and happy to do that too, if you have any questions. But yeah, so I would love to continue the conversation and talk a little bit about the connection between them, and this is something that women tend to sort of deal with more so I think that men, but the connection between the jaw and TMJ, I think a lot of women have TMJ. There's some thought that it's also connected to the diaphragm, which is connected to the pelvis. So we have this, like, jaw pelvic connection. And it could be a sign. If you have jaw attention that potentially there's an imbalance with your pelvis.
I would love to hear more about this from you. One of the things that you've helped me with as well is with my jaw pain. I have terrible TMJ from braces and just overall neck injuries and growing as a child with a lot of trauma and stress too. So I think I hold a lot of tension in certain places, more so than others, but this is something you've helped me with, but I'd love to hear from you more about this connection.
[00:18:43] Dr. Brady: Yeah, huge connection. And I think we need to separate into two. It's gonna be the neurological connection and then the mechanical connection. So neurological first is the phrenic nerve. That is a branch of the cervical, the brachial plexus that comes from your third, fourth, and fifth nerve roots from your neck there.
It extends down and then innervates and it pierces a few organs, but then it goes straight to your diaphragm. So other branches of the phrenic nerve those three, four, and five control a lot of muscles of mastication, you know, the jaw, um, as well. So it couldn't be any closer of association between how those nerves are communicating within how the phrenic nerve is then controlling the diaphragm.
So whether somebody says, I feel like I carry a tension in my shoulders or in my neck or in my jaw. Huge relationship between all those nerves and then that phrenic nerve that goes all the way down to the diaphragm. So when I look at somebody's x-ray and they have a loss of cervical lordotic curve in their neck, and they have a straight neck or reverse curve in the neck, that's only compromising potentially how those nerves are sending and receiving information causing motor tight, muscle tightness, to clench in their jaw. Then also the phrenic nerve going down to the diaphragm. So huge association with that. And then a mechanical side of that, you know, the foundation of her spine being the pelvis is crucial for then how the rest of the spine is then stacked. So, and if the pelvis is off, that can cause torsional force, it can cause things to be imbalanced and then causing effects upstream.
So I've had patients, who've had issues down in their pelvis causing jaw issues and it wasn't until we corrected their pelvis misalignment, got that even, that then pressure or release of the tension to their shoulders and jaw was fixed. And so really important, not to always just chase where pain is and that's what a Gonstead chiropractor does.
And always has that in mind with that. So that's where my mind goes to that with the pelvic floor. And the diaphragm relationship to how the jaw really is affected with that. So, but it's all related.
[00:20:58] Loren: Yeah, that's so fascinating. I think that says a lot too, in terms of how anyone listening might approach their health issues in general. A lot of people just kind of tend to look at the surface layer and then chase that, but usually they're chasing symptoms, but. Most of the time, it really requires you to peel back the layers and look to what's happening underneath, because oftentimes that symptom is not going to be resolved unless you solve the root cause, which in this case of jaw pain would be the pelvic misalignment, and same thing goes for nutritional and other health and wellness stuff too.
I could give a couple of examples. Endless examples, but I think that that's just a really important concept to kind of cement here too. Mm-hmm so continuing the conversation in terms of fertility in chiropractic care, pelvic health, there is this phenomenon of pelvic infertility, and I'm wondering if you've experienced supporting patients with this issue or what you might be able to tell us about this phenomenon.
[00:22:03] Dr. Brady: Yeah, absolutely. So in regards to pelvic infertility is usually a term that's tossed around to some abnormalities that occur for the female, oftentimes female. Multiple things can go on like fallopian tube issues or their scar tissue or ovarian cysts that hold somebody back or ureteral distortions, tons of things that happen.
It's been from my experience there's always some outliers and some limitations, if there's like a true organ issue going on. But the close association to how the pelvis is positioned is huge on this. And I've seen tons of patients and tons of experience where they were able to have one kid. Their first kid and then something happened where now they're second kid, it's harder for them to get pregnant. Maybe on their first go around with their first kid. They never had a miscarriage, but now they're on their second kid and now there's one or two miscarriages and they start questioning and start having all this doubt, like, oh no, what's wrong with me. What's going on?
And so the pelvic has a huge association with that. And in that example of a mom who had their first kid. And then after they deliver their kid, they neglected their spinal hygiene if you will, or how their pelvis was positioned. Now, there could be some underlying root causes preventing them from getting pregnant and everything.
And so we always encourage pregnant patients who are under care to then continue after delivery because. That pelvis changes so much through the first pregnancy where then instantly, as soon as the baby's born, that pelvis comes right back together. And I see it all the time where a mom comes in and we take x-rays for the first time, and we look at their pelvis together and we sit down and they ask me like, how did this happen? And why am I so misaligned? And why is that hip higher than that one? Why do I have this curve in my spine? And I say, “Have you had kids?” “Yes.” And then they share with me their experience with that. And maybe the second kid had, you know, there was more pain involved or something.
The pelvis is very malleable during pregnancy and then afterwards, so that comes back together and it kind of gets stable. So in my experience we really focus on the pelvis from a structural view to make sure that's optimally positioned, not only for relative organs associated in that area, but then also for the nerve function as well, to be communicating properly, to allow somebody to get pregnant, if that's what they want to do.
[00:24:32] Loren: Oh, that's awesome. That's such a great example, too. I think the formal term for that would be secondary infertility when you have an initial child and then have a little bit of trouble getting pregnant, you know, subsequent child. But that's great to hear that from you in terms of client experience and things like that and patient experience.
And would you say this is true that even if there are blockages, so for example, cysts or things like that lesions of fallopian tube blockages, or even perhaps it's the pelvis just getting really tight from previous trauma as well, physical trauma mm-hmm that, uh, realigning or allowing the spine to kind of do its thing and it's the nervous system can kind of rejuvenate that. It could also support the rejuvenation of those organs in those areas as well>
[00:25:24] Dr. Brady: Yeah, I think the body is innately intelligent and it knows exactly what to do if we provide with it, the necessary tools, whether it's nutrition and rid the body of interference in the nervous system through chiropractic or proper technique of massage and PT. All those things can aid to allow the body to heal properly. And it's amazing to see how the body's innate intelligence does take over to help people overcome those kinds of things. And some people would question as being a miracle. Oftentimes we see that with patients too, as they function better in the office here.
[00:26:03] Loren: That's awesome. And I love that you talked about the innate intelligence of the body as the podcast is called Innate Wisdom. And that's exactly, that's exactly what I'm trying to bring back here with this. So I love that message that you just gave. Awesome. So, Continuing onto pregnancy. You're also not only a Gonstead chiropractor, but you're also an expert in the Webster technique.
Correct. Can you elaborate on this technique and how it might be beneficial to somebody in pregnancy?
[00:26:35] Dr. Brady: Mm-hmm so the Webster technique is. The only technique that any pregnant woman should go to. It's a very gentle, specific technique that looks at the pelvis as a whole to balance it, optimally, to prevent any issues during the delivery process.
And there's tons of research behind it. You know, I don’t want bore you with that, but it honestly helps decrease labor pains. Throughout pregnancy, any pain throughout cuz tons of moms experience low back pain as the belly becomes bigger and it creates more loaded pressure on the lumbar spine. Moms complain about that.
And lo and behold then sciatica starts to form as there's some swelling as well. And some moms get sciatica, which does not need to happen. And the Webster technique looks at the growing baby and the pelvis to balance it, optimally, to decrease pain during pregnancy, to decrease pain during delivery, and as well as to decrease how long it takes to deliver.
Then if it's people's desire or their birth plan to have a vaginal healthy birth, the Webster technique is just perfect for doing that and setting things up optimally for mom to have the birth that she desires. The body changes with a lot of hormones that are released. One of them called relaxin where it softens a lot of joints in the body.
It doesn't just attack the pelvis to soften the pelvis to open for the baby, but all the joints in the body. So therefore the adjustments need to be a little different as well. So the Webster technique is gentle. It's very specific. It does a lot of soft tissue work to help with how the uterus is positioned. One thing we're always checking for is the round ligaments, which is attached to the uterine wall and it helps to prevent uterine torsion occurring.
So that way that baby can properly rotate and go head down. So all these things and something very common is a lot of OBs will send me referrals. At about like 35, 36 weeks, because that's when they do the positioning ultrasound scan and low and behold baby isn't rotated and head down. And this technique is the nickname of the technique to be able to rotate babies in the chiropractic world.
And so I get a referral from an OB and they want this baby rotated to go ahead down to avoid any complications or a C-section and that thing. So we see a lot of that. I love taking care of moms when they come in right at 36 weeks. But. I like taking care of them way earlier than that. So we can set things up optimally and just breeze through their entire pregnancy with no complications and get that baby rotated without trying to beat the clock if you will, and everything.
So that's what the technique is. And I love it. So we see tons of moms, prenatal, postnatal, and then we see their kids, a week old baby. We get checked as well. Um, after mom delivers. Kids got nervous systems and spines too. So we check them right after two with it. So it's really fun. We see lots of big families because.
[00:29:39] Loren: Ah, that's awesome. From cradle to grave. It sounds like, that's so great. And that's such a great resource to know, especially if you're pregnant, anyone listening and are not sure. Or maybe you are 35, 36, 37 weeks and you're transverse or head up and feet down. So that's great to know that this is a resource you can go to if you're wanting a less risky birth, because if it does happen that the baby is transverse or feet first, there will be likely more risk involved and likely if you.
You're aiming to have a homebirth. And if it is your first home birth too, that will also probably result in a transfer. So very good to know. That's awesome. And I guess continuing on that path around the Webster technique, I've been doing some research and I've heard a lot as well, anecdotal stories from friends, family, students, clients that chiropractic care during pregnancy has been able to alleviate issues like morning sickness for them.
Can you share if there's any truth to this. And can you describe the mechanics of this?
[00:30:51] Dr. Brady: Yeah. So there's some truth to this here. There's a lot of different kinds of morning sicknesses. So one morning sickness is not the same as another, but typically through the first trimester, women will become a lot more nauseous and a lot of sickness with that, we've been able to help with it from a neurological component.
Sometimes it's something I find in the neck. Sometimes it's something I find in some digestive organs that will need to correct and help them function better. Sometimes it’s something of the pelvis, it's all different for different claims. Sometimes not something else. I have no idea about and I think it's more because tons of hormones are going on at the same time.
And a pregnant woman's body is sacrificing themselves to now grow this new life and all nutrients are going there. And so I think there's some truth to it, we gotta get your nervous system functioning well, to give you the best finding chance and we've helped women to prevent the nausea, but sometimes it’s just growing life is why nausea comes with it. That's my experience.
[00:31:52] Loren: Yeah. There's definitely so many different reasons for morning sickness. I talk about this, the various reasons a lot. There's no one thing, but what helps is to kind of triage and experiment with different things that might work for you because the one thing that's common amongst all of my pregnant clients is if they wait too long to eat, they're gonna get nauseous.
But there's also other things that can come up. Maybe it's their gallbladder. Maybe it is that they need a specific nutrient. If it is organ related, for sure there must be a connection to the spine. So it's just really interesting. And what I find aside from small frequent meals is you just gotta experiment and find out what works for you.
And so knowing that chiropractic care can potentially help, that's a great option, especially if you're suffering a lot and if you have hyperemesis as well, which is like just the morning sickness on steroids, which is terrible. Hopefully you can experiment with something like this and find some relief. Yeah.
Awesome. So I guess furthering that question, what other sorts of pregnancy ailments can chiropractic care help with potentially there's everything from gestational diabetes to reflux, to preeclampsia, low back pain, hemorrhoids et cetera. So I'd just love to hear from you, maybe what you've helped pregnant women with?
[00:33:22] Dr. Brady: Yeah, we see it too often that pregnant mom has low back pain. And we touched on a little bit of things that happened with the relaxin hormone and what it's doing mechanically to the low back. It's just softening all the ligaments in the joints there. And so it's gonna be more prone to some instability.
And so let's get that as stable as possible. Let's help them to feel comfortable through their pregnancy with that. So just phenomenal from that. Then we get to numbness tingling and extremities, whether full sciatica, physical pressure on the nerves that are going down the legs, we've been able to help with that, or even numbness tingling down in the arms or in the hands there. There's a lot of things that can happen, whether there's swelling going on in the joints, um, in the elbows and the wrists we can go in and we can. Move those or adjust them to help clear that swelling out of there with it. Then you get to some more functional things like the acid reflux, lots of different things can happen with acid reflux as baby grows, and it's pushing up on all your organs.
It's basically pushing up on stomach and the valve at the top of the stomach is in essence, failing to close. And so through specific chiropractic care, we can restore that nerve's communication to that valve to close stronger, to help it prevent a backflow of acid with all that. So a lot of things, and then the whole entire circulatory system, you know, where mom is growing life and so much more blood supply is going towards the baby.
You know, moms often explain how. Extremities or hands, our feet are going cold because they're not getting proper blood supply there. So all these things Gonstead chiropractor looks at to be able to help function better. So we've kind of seen a lot of those things and then there's headaches and then there's migraines and there's the nausea.
And then there's sinus pressure. A lot of moms get a lot of sinus pressure or mucus. There could be misalignments that are happening with all of it. So we kind of see it all. We just want mom to be as comfortable and quick and as fast pregnancy as possible and delivery with all that. So I wanna help 'em all the way through.
[00:35:36] Loren: That's awesome. That's great. It sounds like there's just so many applications for chiropractic care and pregnancy. So I hope that if you are pregnant or planning on getting pregnant soon, keep this in mind as a tool in your toolbox, for sure. Awesome. So I would love to, for anyone thinking about, you know, pursuing Gonstead chiropractic care or Webster chiropractic care, What are some tips that you would recommend to somebody in terms of their selection process?
So what should they look out for when selecting their chiropractor?
[00:36:08] Dr. Brady: Yeah, great question. And that's important. I think often overlooked, I'm a firm believer that knowledge is power and that somebody should really do their research and understanding. Cuz like I said from the very beginning was no two chiropractors are the same and that can be further from the truth where somebody thinks that all chiropractors are just the same, cuz it's not.
At all. So I think we have great platforms like social media, that you can kind of get a vibe for how somebody practices or what they do in their practice. Are they seeing moms? Are they seeing pregnant women? Are they seeing kids? Are they using instruments or technology or are they not. Those are things that are important for you to ask about, go to their websites, do some research, read about them and get a vibe for them and what they do.
Call them, ask them, “Hey, what techniques is your practice using?” Cause there's just some very generic techniques that they just kind of baseline teach you in school. And then a lot of chiropractors just utilize that note. So get to know who you're going to, if they're gonna be taking care of your health and feel comfortable in that is the most important thing.
[00:37:15] Loren: That's great advice. I like that a lot. And for sure, I think you have to be your own health advocate. I don't really like the idea of handing off my health to somebody else or just completely giving it up. I always like to have a level of control and knowledge because that is going to influence the kind of care that I get.
And it's going to determine the kind of support that I get. And so I think, definitely research is super important. Research the person that you're looking at, ask as many questions as you can to feel comfortable. And I think that's how we choose a good provider. Hopefully mm-hmm well, thank you so much, Dr.
Brady. Those are all the questions I have for you. This was amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. I hope everyone listening, you know, has a better idea of chiropractic care, but specifically how Gonstad and Webster can help them in their health journeys or fertility journeys or pregnancy journeys.
Where can people find you?
[00:38:17] Dr. Brady: People can find me at websites. Everybody has a website. Mine is just simply and that's C O N C I S E So really simple website. I have a big write up about what Gonstead technique is, what Webster technique is. If you don't live here in Denver or Colorado area, then message me and I can.
Point you in the right direction or find you a provider. If this is something that you're looking for yourself. Second is Instagram and Facebook. I think our Instagram handle is just concise dot chiropractic. As simple as that, you can find us there.
[00:38:54] Loren: Awesome. So everyone, go give Dr. Brady a follow and check out his website, especially if you're in the Colorado Denver area.
I mean, yeah, I go there. I love it. It's great. And I've seen so many improvements for real, so thank you so much for everything. And I know I said I didn't have any more questions, but I have one last one. If you could provide one piece of advice to leave our listeners with something that they can take action on today, what would that be?
[00:39:26] Dr. Brady: Coming from a chiropractor is to get checked, get your spine checked, get your nervous system checked to make sure that that is communicating properly without any interference. That could be the missing link for some people's big questions about some of their health journeys, and everybody has a different health journey.
But the bottom line is. Coming from a crazy chiropractor is you got a spine. You should take care of it. And I think people have a good understanding about brushing their teeth as a preventative measure. And, you know, people don't wait till they get a cavity to then brush their teeth. And I think spinal hygiene is the same way.
So that's why I encourage a lot of people to get checked. Lack of pain does not mean that you're healthy, but we can help people really unlock their full potential by clearing their nervous system as long as the chiropractor's being specific with them. And that's what I strive to do. Awesome. That's great.
[00:40:16] Loren: Well, thank you so much, again, really appreciate everything Dr. Brady, and we'll see you again soon.
[00:40:22] Dr. Brady: Yeah. Thank you. This has been wonderful. Thank you so much, Loren.