Carbohydrates (Carbs) Spare Protein

Even though I can see clearly now, I certainly used to buy into a low-carb, high-protein diet. Whether or not you’re following a diet with a trendy name, here’s why low-carb generally works against you: carbohydrates are protein-sparing. Let me explain.
If you’re eating a low-carb diet, you may think carbs are “bad” because “they cause diabetes” (future post). What if I told you eating protein alone can create just as much of an insulin response as eating carbs alone?
Eating carbs and protein together is a blood sugar match made in heaven. 🔥 When you eat protein alone, your body still releases insulin to get protein into the cell. But because you didn’t have carbs to help buffer this, insulin ends up lowering your blood sugar.
Above all else, it’s important to understand that carbs (glucose) are the primary fuel source of the body, which keeps blood sugar in a very tight range. If blood sugar drops too low, the body releases stress hormones that break down (catabolize) protein and fat so it can make glucose and raise blood sugar levels. ⚒️
It’s like the power going out and the generator turning on in your house. It’ll keep things going for a little while, but is never meant to be a long-term. If you’ve read my ‘Anabolic/Catabolic’ post, you’ll understand why.
This is why weight loss can happen. The body will break down precious, metabolic muscle tissue, as well organs and ligaments. But it will also start holding onto fat.
A few other reasons this is not ideal:
-The creation of glucose from muscle tissue releases inflammatory proteins in the body, such as tryptophan, cysteine, methionine and histidine.
-And if the person is hypo-metabolic (like most of us), it can trigger excessive production of undesirable ammonia, urea and lactic acid, putting immense stress on the kidneys and other organs.
This is why ALL macronutrients are important and there’s really something to eating a “balanced diet.” The takeaway: always eat protein with carbs - and vice versa! 🍯🥩
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
Deering, K. (2015). How to Heal Your Metabolism. Lexington, KY: Kate Deering.
Fuller, M.F. Crofts, R.M. (1977). The protein-sparing effect of carbohydrate. 1. Nitrogen retention of growing pigs in relation to diet. Retrieved from:
Nall, R. (2012). Explain Why Carbohydrates Are Said to Spare Proteins. Retrieved from:
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