chinese medicine fertility progesterone

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the channels that start in your feet connect to your womb. Cold feet = “cold uterus” = constriction, lack of proper blood circulation. To get pregnant, our womb needs to be lush and warm.🔥

Progesterone is considered a warming hormone in TCM. Signs of low Progesterone:

❆Low basal body temperature (BBT)

❆Low libido

❆Weight gain

❆Short luteal phases (luteal phase defects)

❆Irregular menstrual cycles

❆Long menstrual cycles

❆History of pregnancy loss

❆Low thyroid function

❆Anxiety or depression

Increasing Progesterone levels can require nutrition and lifestyle changes that take some time. But one VERY easy way to support Progesterone levels manually and naturally is to keep your feet warm!


🧦Wear socks!

And you can also…

🧦Use heat packs on your feet nightly

🧦Do hot foot soaks

🧦Ditch the flip flops

Learn about ways you can support your fertility by tuning into Episode 2 of The Innate Wisdom Podcast with @dr.grace.tcm.

❔How do you keep your feet warm? Will you be wearing socks more often?


Not medical advice.


Dr. Maryam Acupuncture and TCM Clinic Inc. How Keeping Feet Warm Boosts Fertility. Retrieved from: https://chinesemedicineclinic.com/feet-warm-boost-fertility/.

To Make a Mommy. (2017). KEEPING YOUR FEET WARM FOR FERTILITY AND TRYING TO CONCEIVE. Retrieved from: https://www.tomakeamommy.com/keeping-feet-warm-fertility-trying-conceive/.

TTC? Get empowered with Conscious Conception, the ultimate fertility blueprint created to help you optimize your fertility and enter pregnancy empowered.


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Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here. While the owner of this website tries to keep the information up to date, there may be things that are out-of-date and out of their control.