Nutrition Solutions For Acne

Some of you may be familiar with my personal history with acne. And so I’m super excited about today’s post because it provides solutions that are clinically proven, and have also worked for me!
Acne can be triggered by a multitude of things. But regardless of the actual trigger, its typical manifestation includes some combination of:
✴Overproduction of sebum
✴Imbalance in bacterial/antibacterial action
✴Free radicals
There are a few nutrients that have been shown to significantly reduce the number of acne lesions in as little as two weeks, which is a huge WIN. (Chan et al) These include:
✨Vitamin E: You all know I LOVE Vitamin E for fertility. It’s a powerful antioxidant and fat-soluble vitamin that also benefits skin. It fights free radicals and reduces inflammation, while also supporting the immune system.
✨Zinc: Another key antioxidant that fights inflammation, regulates oil production, and supports wound healing/repair.
✨Lactoferrin: This protein is one of the many benefits of raw milk and breast milk. It binds to Iron, which feeds infections, and as a result has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial actions.
✨Vitamin A: A very important nutrient for overall skin health and also known as the original antiviral vitamin. It’s been shown the lower the Vitamin A levels, the more severe the acne. (El-Akawi et al, Ozuguz et al)
So where can you get these nutrients? Here are a few sources:
Vitamin E: salmon, trout, avocado, goose, grass-fed butter, properly-prepared nuts and seeds. My favorite supplements are MitoLife PUFA Protect & LifeBlud Antidote (promo code INNATE).
Zinc: beef, lamb, bison, oysters, shrimp. My favorite supplements are MitoLife Oyster Extract and Marine Health Foods Oyster Extract (promo code INNATE).
Lactoferrin: raw milk, raw cream, raw cheese, and raw yogurt.
Vitamin A: liver, full-fat milk, cream, salmon, and mackerel. My favorite supplement is Perfect Supplement Desiccated Liver (promo code INNATE).
Not medical advice.
Altobelli, G.G. Van Noorden, S. Balato, A. Cimini, V. (2020). Copper/Zinc Superoxide Dismutase in Human Skin: Current Knowledge. Retrieved from:
Arnarson, A. (2017). 20 Foods That Are High in Vitamin E. Retrieved from:
Chan, H. Chan, G. Santos, J. Dee, K. Co, J.K. (2017). A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to determine the efficacy and safety of lactoferrin with vitamin E and zinc as an oral therapy for mild to moderate acne vulgaris. Retrieved from:
Cherney, K. Cobb, C. (2019). Is Vitamin E Helpful or Harmful for Treating Acne?. Retrieved from:
El-Akawi, Z. Abdel-Latif, Abdul, Razzak, K. (2006). Does the plasma level of vitamins A and E affect acne condition?. Retrieved from:
Kell, D.B. Heyden. E.L. Pretorius, E. (2020). The Biology of Lactoferrin, an Iron-Binding Protein That Can Help Defend Against Viruses and Bacteria. Retrieved from:
Ozuguz, P. Kacar, S.D. Ekiz, O. Takci, Z. Balta, I. Kalkan, G. (2014). Evaluation of serum vitamins A and E and zinc levels according to the severity of acne vulgaris. Retrieved from:
Podgórska, A. Puścion-Jakubik, A. Markiewicz-Żukowska, R. Gromkowska-Kępka, K.J. Socha, K. (2021).
Acne Vulgaris and Intake of Selected Dietary Nutrients—A Summary of Information. Retrieved from:
West, H. (2018). The 10 Best Foods That Are High in Zinc. Retrieved from:
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