Is Breakfast Important? What I Really Think About the First Meal of the Day

SO. MANY. people skip breakfast. News Flash: it’s the most important meal of the day!
Why? When you wake up, your body is completely depleted from fasting overnight. You have little to no glycogen, so your metabolism is at its lowest. You’re pretty dehydrated too.
“Even on the mornings that you don’t drop dead, there is reduced adaptive capacity and functional impairment before eating breakfast.” - Dr. Ray Peat
Someone with adrenal dysfunction or impaired liver function is even worse off. Their ability to store glycogen is compromised, so they probably woke up at least once during the night. They’re not detoxing well, they’re not absorbing vitamins and minerals, and they likely have some kind of digestion and/or elimination issue.
The most common thing I see from clients is coffee, coffee and more coffee in the morning (future post). And the reason I get is “I’m not hungry, I have no appetite" (this used to be me!). While stress hormones are higher in the AM and do have the ability to suppress appetite, having no appetite for 1+ hour in the morning is a CLEAR sign of being in a hypo-metabolic state. Your body is in conservation mode and will suppress your hunger, digestion, reproduction, etc. And if you’re adding coffee to the mix without eating, it’s like pressing the gas pedal on a sputtering car running on empty.
This cycle continues and the person eventually creates hormonal imbalances or makes existing ones worse, and can even end up with a chronic illness (there’s more to this, but it’s a pattern I see over and over again).
If that’s not enough of a reason to eat breakfast, here are a few others:
-Less overall stress during the day, especially in the mornings
-More consistent energy throughout the day
-Fewer to no mid-day slumps
-Better concentration, memory and clearer, less frantic or foggy thinking
-Improved Circadian Rhythm and therefore better sleep
-Higher metabolic function and therefore easier weight loss
-55% reduction in type 2 diabetes risk
Timing and composition matter. Aim to eat breakfast within 30 min-1 hr of waking made up of carb, protein and a little fat.
Let’s bring back breakfast!
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
Functional Performance Systems. (2012). Ray Peat, PhD: Quotes Relating to Exercise. Retrieved from:
Gray, D. (2019). Eating Breakfast Every Day Can Lower Your Risk for Type 2 Diabetes. Retrieved from:
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