Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) deplete Vitamin E.

fats multi-vitamins pufas vitamin e

Vitamin E is important for fertility. It’s also important for:
〰️Preventing the oxidation of unsaturated fats
〰️Stabilizing cell membranes and protein of the skin, eyes, liver, breasts, tests, lungs and other organs
〰️Preventing the oxidation of hormones, such as those released from the pituitary and adrenal glands
〰️Maintaining the biological activity of Vitamin A
“It mainly functions as an antioxidant, helping to reduce oxidation of lipid membranes and unsaturated fatty acids and preventing the breakdown of other nutrients by oxygen.” — Elson M. Haas, M.D.
“One possibly crucial protective effect of vitamin E against the [PUFAs] that hasn't been explored is the direct destruction of linolenic and linoleic acid. It is known that bacterial vitamin E is involved in the saturation of unsaturated fatty acids, and it is also known that intestinal bacteria turn linoleic and linolenic acids into the fully saturated stearic acid.” — Dr. Ray Peat
The more unsaturated fat our diet, especially refined vegetable and seed oils, the higher our need for Vitamin E
“...if you are undertaking the “unsaturated” fat diet which has been promulgated by several popular books on dieting in recent years, you ought to be informed that [they] take quite a bit of Vitamin E out of the body. In fact, Horwitt, et al., Harris, et al., among others, state that the need for Vitamin E is often increased 6X if a person consumes large amounts of unsaturated fats.” — Herbert Bailey, Medical Reporter
“Oxidation in the body of such substances as fat molecules, particularly from [PUFAs], and from eating other oxidized fats such as hydrogenated oils and rancid oils, causes the genesis of free radicals which leads to chronic inflammation, especially from a variety of chemical reactions in the body and is the biochemical basis of many diseases.” — Elson M. Haas, M.D.
Vitamin E deficiency can look like:
〰️Yellow fat disease
〰️Some cancers
〰️Periodontal disease
〰️Heart disease
〰️Peripheral neuropathy
〰️Neuromuscular disease
〰️Muscle wasting
〰️Liver and kidney problems
〰️Pituitary, adrenal dysfunction
The body doesn’t store Vitamin E as well as other fat-soluble vitamins, so getting a consistent stream can be important.
I like to get my Vitamin E from grass-fed meats, whose content is 4X higher than conventionally raised meats. I also supplement with a high-quality Vitamin E like that of @mitolife.



This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.



Bailey, H. (1967). Vitamin E—Your Key to a Healthy Heart. New York, NY: ARC BOOKS.

Bässler, K.H. (1991). On the problematic nature of vitamin E requirements: net vitamin E. Retrieved from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1763554/.

Haas, E. M. Levin, B. (2006). Staying Healthy with Nutrition. New York, NY: Ten Speed Press.

Peat, R. (2006). Vitamin E: Estrogen antagonist, energy promoter, and anti-inflammatory. Retrieved from: http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/vitamin-e.shtml.

Raederstorff, D. Wyss, A. Calder, P.C. Weber, P. Eggersdorder, M. (2015). Vitamin E function and requirements in relation to PUFA. Retrieved from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26291567/.

Wade, C. (1970). The Rejuvenation Vitamin. New York, NY: Award Books. London, England: Tandem Books.

Valk, E.E. Hornstra, G. (2000). Relationship between vitamin E requirement and polyunsaturated fatty acid intake in man: a review. Retrieved from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10804454/.

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Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here. While the owner of this website tries to keep the information up to date, there may be things that are out-of-date and out of their control.