Unpopular Opinion: The number of birthdays you’ve had doesn’t automatically define whether you can get pregnant.

pregnancy prep ttc
Unpopular Opinion: The number of birthdays you’ve had doesn’t automatically define whether you can get pregnant.

What matters is how fertile, vibrant and healthy you are on the inside.

And no, this is not a bait about inner beauty.

Take my student, for example.

Before, she had been experiencing signs of perimenopause, including:

🥵Hot flashes


📈Irregular periods

🌵Vaginal dryness

🪫Low libido

And others like histamine intolerance and gut issues.

She wanted to give her child a sibling but she was worried she had waited too long. She was 40 years old after all…and you know what “they” say.

This was so frustrating to her because she was doing so much already, like:

✅ Taking all the pro-metabolic supplements

✅ Eating a pseudo carnivore/pro-metabolic diet

✅ Living a “slower” life

✅ Following all the pro-metabolic influencers

✅ Listening to all the pro-metabolic podcasts

While she had experienced some improvements in how she felt overall, she wasn’t where she wanted to be (aka healthy & pregnant).

She was keen enough to know that piecing together fertility and health advice from Instagram wasn’t working for her. And she needed a clear plan that actually took her into account.

And that’s what she did. And her perimenopause reversed so quickly that she was able to get pregnant within the first cycle of trying to conceive. 🤰🏽

Let’s be honest, when you’re 35 years old and over, you’re probably not trying to dilly dally your way to that BFP.

You CAN have abundant fertility well into your 40s. You just need a better plan.

My self-paced eCourse + private community, Conscious Conception, is meant to help you create abundant, age-defying fertility — even in your mid-40s. And so you can stop wasting time and start doing things that will actually get you closer to that positive pregnancy test.

TTC? Get empowered with Conscious Conception, the ultimate fertility blueprint created to help you optimize your fertility and enter pregnancy empowered.


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Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here. While the owner of this website tries to keep the information up to date, there may be things that are out-of-date and out of their control.