Why Going Sugar-Free, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Meat-Free, Fat-Free Won’t Solve Your Health Problems…and Might Actually Hurt Your Health

A long time ago, I used to believe animal foods were inflammatory.
I used to think that removing dairy from my diet would make my acne disappear.
I used to believe that carbohydrates and sugar would make me fat.
I used to think that fat would make me fat.
I’ve tried vegan, vegetarian, low-fat, low-carb, Paleo, keto, dairy-free, intermittent fasting and other diets. Sure, some symptoms got slightly better the more restrictive I was. But many stayed the same and others got worse (some way worse).
Friends, I had it totally backwards. And I was chasing my tail.
Once I started to realize that it wasn’t dairy’s fault, carb’s, fault, etc., I started to make real progress. The rollercoaster finally stopped.
The foods I was avoiding held the incredible healing powers I needed all along.
If this is currently you, hopping from one restrictive diet to the next, the very things you’re cutting out of your life might be what you actually need. Restriction isn’t sustainable either, physically or mentally.
When you break the cycle, you can find real freedom.
Some food for thought.
This is not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before pursuing any changes to your personal healthcare regime.
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