Why your AMH levels aren’t everything. 👇

Why your AMH levels aren’t everything. 👇

AMH levels are often used as predictors of ovarian reserve. And low AMH has traditionally been interpreted as having low ovarian reserve.

Relatively recent literature focused on evaluating the levels of AMH, and the amount of time it took to get pregnant in a group of women ages 30-44 trying to conceive for three months or less without a history of diagnosed infertility.

The authors found that women with low AMH didn't have a lower chance of conceiving by six cycles compared to women with normal levels or after 12 cycles. Neither the younger or older women with “reduced ovarian reserve” (based on AMH) showed that they had lower fertility. 

The authors concluded that neither blood or urinary AMH, which is usually used in part to determine diminished ovarian reserve, are helpful in determining fertility. And that diminished ovarian reserve is not associated with infertility. They cautioned against using AMH levels to assess current fertility.

What does this mean?

Your AMH levels don't define you.

While AMH can be helpful in determining how responsive you might be to fertility treatments, they can’t tell you whether or not you can get pregnant.

Learn more about how to support AMH, optimize your fertility for pregnancy, and much more in the new and improved version of my eCourse, Conscious Conception.


Seinter, A.Z. Pritchard, D. Stanczyk, F.Z. Kesner, J.S. Meadows, J.W. Herring, A.H. Baird, D.D. (2017). Association Between Biomarkers of Ovarian Reserve and Infertility Among Older Women of Reproductive Age. Retrieved from: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2656811.

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